Consumers may choose a payday advance to cover unexpected expenses or to bridge a cash crunch between paydays, without incurring revolving debt. A payday advance is a financial management tool that can provide a sensible alternative to costly bounced checks, late payment charges and tarnished credit ratings.

We respect our customers' desire for privacy in managing their personal financial matters. The payday advance transaction is confidential, and your personal information will be treated accordingly.

State law generally regulates the maximum advance amount available. Within the allowed range, you qualify for a particular advance amount based on your current income. Sometimes you may not be able to get as much as you'd like, but a payday advance should be part of a short-term financial solution. We wouldn't really be helping if you received more than you have the ability to repay.

The fee is competitive and in compliance with applicable state or federal law. It is our goal to offer you the best service at the most competitive fee possible.

No. Unlike many other financial institutions, we do not obtain a complete credit report and does not require that you have good credit or, for that matter, any credit history at all.

Loan Lounge Cash Advance currently lends only in the State of Michigan.

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